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Organization-Level Settings

Settings at the organizational level allows you to invite more users to the platform, connect your tools and determine what data is processed, as well as determining what employees' data contributes to the individual metrics.

Note: Most of these settings are limited to the “Admin” user role. We recommend everyone else read through this section to understand how Allstacks processes your data, and how to follow-up if a tool or employee is not available at the team-level.

Adding Tools and Managing Resources

Adding and Removing Tools

The Allstacks journey starts with the services and tools your team uses. Connecting tools, and the items within them, allows Allstacks to provide powerful insights into your team’s patterns and history.


Image Added

If you already have tools connected, you will see them listed similarly to the image above. Typically you only need one connection per tool/service. Note that any changes made on this page will impact any teams that use these tools.

You can add a new tool via the “Add Tools” located on the top-right of the page. It will open the following modal:


For additional questions about connecting tools, please reach out to your internal Allstacks lead or contact your Allstacks representative via the shared Slack channel or Microsoft Teams team.

Managing Resources within Tools

To limit what resources are enabled within a connection, click the gear icon with the “Configure Resources” label.


Settings to be aware of:

  • The toggle next to the enabled count will disable all children within a grouping. It needs to be enabled for any of the enabled children to be displayed in Allstacks.

  • Automatically enable new projects (repos, etc): When you create new projects or repositories in your source tools, Allstacks will download and process data from them automatically. You will typically want this on at the organization-level.

Note: Toggling individual projects/repositories off will remove them the views of any teams that might have been using them. Any item that is off will NOT be processed during the nightly pipeline run. To see data in a previously disabled item, check back on the next business day.


Employee (Contributor) Management

Employees are the consolidated data concept of the members within your organization. After tools connection, Allstacks automatically detects the people within your tools. To view those individual within your teams and metrics, they must first be enabled at the organization-level.


Image Added

Enabling, Merging and Editing


Clicking the status toggle next to an employee will turn them on or off for the entire organization. Employees must be on at the organization level to be used in teams. Note that you can enable or disable multiple users at the same time by clicking the checkboxes to the left of the status column.


Allstacks automatically merges employees into one consolidated record by matching ID and email addresses we find in your source tools. If we have merged or have not merged a user, you can do so manually. Clicking the dropdown arrow in the Merged Accounts column will allow you to remove individual connections within an employee. To merge two employees, select both via the checkboxes and select the “Merge” action as displayed below.


Tag Creation and Assigning to Employees

Tags and tag categories can be created by accessing the “Tags” tab, located on the top-right of the Employees management page. Tags allow metrics based on individuals to be grouped by membership to a tag within a category. For example, if you grouped a metric link velocity by the “Team” category below, you would see velocity by the role of the user, rather than the individual contributors' names.


To edit an employee’s tags, you can select the pencil icon within the tags column. To edit multiple employees at once, select them via the checkboxes to the left of the “Status” column and click “Add Tags” or “Remove Tags” as pictured below.
