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Allocation is measured in full-time engineers/employees (FTEs). FTE’s is a calculation of the ratio of time spent on a given piece of work in a day multiplied by the average daily salary for engineers at your company. Each action taken on various pieces of work influences the ratio for each day. Our model is most accurate when your team’s work is performed in a tracking system like Git or Jira.


Allstacks looks at all commit and card activity in connected tools to determine how each individual is spending their time over the course of each workday. This is done by measuring the time between each action. If Action A is performed at 1pm, and Action B is performed at 2pm, Action B will receive an hour of credit.

The longer explanation:

The calculation goes as following:

First, for any given day we find all actions a given user has. Actions include any commits or card activity that user has. Note: We skip weekends when considering a users FTE’s. This means that for any given week, a user can have a maximum of 5 FTE’sFTE days.

Then, we loop through the list of actions and run a calculation to find that actions FTE ratio.


card_b = ($236.8 + $1.6) = $238.4


How Allocation can be Useful

  1. Allocation shows information in terms all stakeholders can understand

    1. A stakeholder doesn’t Stakeholders don’t always know how many card actions or commits per day to expect. But However, often they do know how much they’ve budgeted for things, and how many working hours they’re expecting to get out of their teams.

  2. Allocation normalizes data across teams that work very differently

    1. Metrics such as velocity, commits, and PRs skew toward teams that do smaller increments more frequently. Just because a team does twice as many tickets doesn’t mean a team does twice as much work. Allocation smooths this out so teams can be compared to one another or aggregated together more effectively

  3. Allocation promises to be superior to time tracking

    1. The cost of time tracking both in time and dollars then becomes a reason to switch to Allstacks

    2. This enables Allstacks to better satisfy the needs of stakeholders outside of engineering

    3. This enables Allstacks to build a proprietary, industry leading solution to capitalization

Areas for Improvement










RBAC to control who can see this metric


We are establishing temporary work arounds to enable experimentation

The permanent fix for this will take more research and definition to figure out how this factors into our RBAC regime.




Commits are not linked to tickets correctly

e.g. This developer is showing as ~50% categorized in Allstacks, this is due to those missing linkages between tickets and Commits.


n.b. Merge commits should be connected to tickets as well. That said, they should be filtered out in most cases.


Queued up to be resolved.




Establish a maximum amount of time attributed to an action after a long time of inactivity. 

e.g. On a Monday, A developer takes an action which begins attributing time to that ticket, they take the rest of the week off. Time is still being attributed to that ticket.


What do we think that maximum should be?




Shuffling tickets in a backlog shouldn’t count as working on those tickets

e.g. I move a ticket up in the backlog and take lunch. This action took seconds, but time will be allocated to this ticket until their next action




First action of the day needs to receive a minimum credit




Pull request activity should be counted and properly linked




Weekend activity should get credit when it happens, otherwise weekends should be ignored


Right now, are weekends counted?

Best Practices

  1. Filter out the Merge Commits from this metriccan be a zero-effort replacement for time tracking

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I create special roles so that only certain users can see Allocation metrics?

A: If you want to limit access to Allocation to select users, let your Allstacks representative know which users you want to have access, and we can set that up for you. It’s not currently a role or permission that customers can manage for themselves.

Q: Why are some commits showing up as uncategorized?

A: For Jira, commits need to have the ID for the card they belong to in the commit message to be linked to those cards. In ADO, commits need to have the card ID in the commit message, or in a PR that’s linked to a card.

Q: What happens if a contributor goes on vacation?

A: Allstacks only gives credit for days where we detect actions from a contributor. When a user stops work for the day, the clock stops and doesn't resume until they start making actions again on a future date.