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Alerts Introduction Video

Note: Slide 11 of the Alerts Presentation lays out how to sign up to receive alert emails. This was omitted from the above video


Alerts Presentation

Note: Slide 11 lays out how to sign up to receive alert emails. This was omitted from the above video

View file
nameAlerts Experiment.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive Alerts Digest?

To receive a notification during the experimental phase, you will need:

  1. valid Allstacks Creds

  2. experimental flag on

We very well might pull both of those requirements for GA but thats the current state.

Risks and Alerts can be found in a number of places throughout the Allstacks platform, including in the Milestone and Work in Progress Reports, among others. Some are generated automatically from Allstacks, while others are able to be configured to meet your specific needs via the ‘Risks’ section. Customizable alerts can also be sent via email to Allstacks users for easily consumable daily reports on where some troubling items might be popping up in your source systems.

Risks in the Milestone, WIP, and other Reports

Risks generated in the Allstacks highlight troubling activity based on your workflows and historic patterns. Clicking on any item containing a risk in Allstacks will provide more detail around the offending issue, as seen in the below example on the Milestone Report.


Milestone Report: Risk Summary, Alerts and Drill Down

Customizable Risks

To create a risk with custom parameters, select the ‘Risks’ in the left-hand nav bar. From there, you can create a custom risk for Issues, Pull Requests, or Commits and set values based on the time they have been open, what state they are in, and other pertinent details that you’d like to be notified of. As Allstacks pulls in your data each day, you’ll be notified of any item that meets your specific parameters, so that you can be aware and stay on top of any potential risks.


Custom Risk setup

Email Alerts

When creating custom risks, you will notice a checkbox to send email alerts. By selecting this, and adding users to be notified of risks, you will receive a daily digest of any and all items that meet the risk definitions you’ve configured. The screenshot below shows more information about where to set up these notifications.


Alerts Introduction Video
