CustomCD service is already created in your company.
Personal Access Token is created in your company.
Endpoint to create a custom job
POST https://<server>:<port>/webhook/company/<company_id>/cicd_job
Data should be sent as JSON body
Token should be sent in Authorization header
Header Key = ‘Authorization’
Header Value = ‘Bearer <token>’
Base Fields
job_id [Required] [String] - Custom string value to uniquely identify this job. Allstacks assumes this may not be truly unique, and will use a different value for the primary key. This will be stored as a property in allstacks.
commit_sha [Required] [String] - The full SHA of the commit being deployed. This means this will be a string of 40 characters OR 64 Characters for the new version that’s being rolled out. This will be stored as a property in allstacks.
service_id [Required] [Integer] - The ID of the Custom CD Service that this data will be routed to.
job_start_time [Required] [Integer] - The epoch timestamp of the start of the job. (i.e seconds since epoch). This will be stored as the item creation date and item start date of the service item.
job_duration [Required] [Integer] - The duration of the job in seconds, as an integer. This will be stored as a property in allstacks.
status [Required] [String] - This field indicates the status of the job. Valid values are ‘Succeeded’, ‘Failed’, ‘On Hold’. This will be stored as a property in allstacks.
repo_id OR repo_name [Required] [String] - One of repo id and repo name must be supplied. This will be stored as a property in allstacks.
triggered_by [Optional] [String] - The user email OR agent username that triggered the job. A service user will be created in allstacks for this user if one doesn’t already exist. If this field is blank, we will use a default value, ‘Custom CD Agent’. This will be stored as the item creation user of the service item.
job_type [Optional] [String] - A customer defined field that allows a user to distinguish between types of jobs. If this field is blank, we will use a default value, ‘CUSTOM_CD_JOB’. This will be stored as the item subtype of the service item.
Optional Fields
List of optional fields can be supplied. They will be stored as properties in allstacks. Maximum number of optional fields allowed is 20.
Valid types are ‘string’, ‘integer’, ‘float’, ‘duration’, ‘timestamp’
duration type must be supplied as an integer
timestamp type must be supplied as an integer i.e seconds since epoch
Value can be a single value or a list of values. (maximum limit is 20)
Format is {‘key’: ‘name of key’, ‘value’: ‘value’ / [list of values], ‘type’: ‘type of key’}
Sample Payload
"job_id": "1",
"status": "Succeeded",
"commit_sha": "a2e7da86cc392417b0d9f605b28038aae80b002f",
"triggered_by": ""
"repo_id": “12345”,
"service_id": 2,
"job_start_time": 1704018030,
"job_duration": 300,
"job_type": "Production Deploy",
"optional": [
"key": 'microservice',
"value": ['frontend', 'backend'],
"type": 'string'
"key": 'lead_time',
"value": 20,
"type": 'duration'
"key": 'float_key',
"value": 20.5,
"type": 'float'
"key": 'qa_approved_on',
"value": 1704018030,
"type": 'timestamp'