What is Issue Lead Time?

Lead time is the measurement of time from issue creation to completion.

Specifically measures items that were completed by people assigned to your team.


Why should I measure Issue Lead Time?


This metric can help you understand the time elapsed from issue creation to completion.

Issue Lead Time is most helpful when filtered by bug issue type or time critical tasks (e.g. priority or SLA). 


What metric should I use in Allstacks?


We recommend starting with the ‘Issue Lead Time’ metric.

Under: Metrics > Process Health > Issue Lead Time


How It's Generated

We generate this metric by averaging the lead times of the work items completed within the time range you select.


General Filters


Use these filters to narrow down the information you want to see. After making any updates, make sure you click ‘update’ to have the changes reflect on the chart below.


  • Issues Completed Between: For Issue Lead Time, we recommend using monthly or greater.


  • Descendants of: Limit the data by JIRA or ADO projects. You can also filter by repo. 


  • Issues Assigned to: You can narrow down your search by tag labels as well as specific individuals.


  • Advanced Filters: Filter your data using fields and properties located in your project management tool (e.g. JIRA, ADO). Reminder to remove ‘Inactive’ or ‘Removed’ issue states:


You can also filter your view to only display bug issue types:


TIP: Make sure to apply the changes you made to General Filters by clicking ‘Update’.



Chart Settings

You can use chart settings to format how the chart displays your data.  This is powerful when it comes to creating data visualizations to support the story you’re trying to tell.




Commonly Asked Questions regarding Issue Lead Time:



Q: How do we track issue lead time by SLA/Priority?



Q: How do we track issue lead time by issue type, group by month?: