What is Issue Time in State?

This metric measures how long an issue has been in a specific card status.

Why should I measure Issue Time In State?

Getting a sense for when an issue will complete a state can help you understand if bottlenecks are developing. Measuring Issue Time in State is also helpful for anyone who owns a certain set of statuses in a workflow to see how they’re trending over time (ex. QA, Product, etc).

What metric should I use in Allstacks?

Issue Time In State: By Issue Type

Under: Metrics > Process Health > Issue Time in State: By Issue Type


How It's Generated

This metric is a measure of the average or median time it takes an issue to enter/move out of a state. The chart defaults to average but we recommend aggregating the data by median in case of skewed data distribution by outliers.


General Filters


Use these filters to narrow down the information you want to see. After making any updates, make sure you click ‘update’ to have the changes reflect on the chart below.


  • Issues Moved Between: For this metric, we recommend using monthly or greater. To visualize change over time, use at minimum, the quarterly date range. 

  • Descendants of: Limit the data by JIRA or ADO projects. You can also filter by project or repo. 

  • Issues Assigned to: You can narrow down your search by tag labels as well as specific individuals.


  • Advanced Filters: Filter your data using fields and properties located in your project management tool (e.g. JIRA, ADO). Make sure to remove ‘Inactive’ issue states.

TIP: Make sure to apply the changes you made to General Filters by clicking ‘Update’.


Chart Settings

You can use chart settings to format how the chart displays your data.  This is powerful when it comes to creating data visualizations to support the story you’re trying to tell.


Commonly Asked Questions regarding Issue Time In State:

Q: How do you include people on my team that are not currently assigned to cards (ex. Product/QA teams)?

  • Make sure you check off ‘Include disabled users’ filter under Chart Settings.


Q: How do I view statuses that are relative to my team’s process?

  • Enable the specific series items (ex. Specific statuses that are relative to your team process). When you save this metric to your dashboard, it will save with the selected series visible.