Deployment Frequency (DF)

Deployment Frequency: The Production Environment is Just Part of the Story

The textbook DORA approach emphasizes increasing deployment frequency as a means of improving software delivery performance. However, an applied approach may also include monitoring deployments to the staging environment. For larger enterprises, where deployments to production may be less frequent, this practical approach will enable pursuing reduced size deployments - which may be displayed more readily in lower, non-production environments. Having both measures can demonstrate the primary goal of this measure which is higher velocity of small deployments.

Set up Deployment Frequency in Allstacks

To measure Deployment Frequency, use the Builds > Build Success Rate metric in Allstacks. In the Build Success Rate metric, the ‘Descendants Of’ picker at the top of the page can be used to select a specific workflow that contains your deployments to production (or other environments of interest). You may need to use the Advanced Filters option to input specific strings to match on in your job or workflow names. If you’re interested in tracking deployments to production and deployments to staging, you can configure two Build Success Rate metrics for your dashboard, one for production and one for your other environments, and show them side by side. Here’s a step by step example:

Go to Build Success Rate

Enter your filters:

In Chart Settings, add annotations that indicate your benchmark or goal:

Add the metric to your DORA dashboard: