The Deliverables Report

The Deliverables report is most commonly used for an at-a-glance view across teams and strategic initiatives to see what’s on track, what needs your attention and improve alignment with product stakeholders.

Deliverables expanded.png

Understanding the Report

The report enables engineering and product leaders easily visualize actual to forecast delivery dates and trends for key roadmap items and deliverables. With this insight, leaders gain data-driven insight where the teams need support and effectively communicate with fellow stakeholders to manage expectations and prioritize initiatives.
Default Table View of the Deliverables Report
  • Progress:

    • In count mode, the bar will show complete and incomplete segments.

    • In story point mode, the bar will split into three segments.

      • Completed, Incomplete but Estimated, Incomplete and Unestimated.

  • Status

    • Populated by the equivalent status field for card in Jira or Azure DevOps (ADO)

  • Commits:

    • Shows code commit activity over the last seven days.

  • Velocity:

    • Shows item completion activity over the last seven days.

  • Scope Remaining:

    • Shows the change in total remaining scope over the last seven weeks.

  • Target End Date:

    • Populated by the equivalent due date field (Jira) or Target Date field (ADO)

    • Populating this date changes how forecasted end date displays relative to this date.

  • Forecast:

    • Displays the Allstacks forecasted end date based our proprietary algorithms utilizing issue assignees, velocity and cycle time. If you have a target end date, it will display if we are forecasting an early, on time, or late delivery.


Get Started: Add Milestones

To add the deliverable work that you and your team care about to the Deliverables Report, click the “Add Milestones” button on the top-right of the screen.

To find the body of work you care about, first limit your selection to the correct type, indicated by the pill selector or the dropdown on the top right. From there, either search for the name or identification number of the work in question. After you find the work, you can pin it to your team’s Deliverables Report by selecting the push-pin icon to the right of any row.

Note: The Deliverables Report is saved at the team-level. Any edits you make will be reflected for all users accessing the team workspace.

Configure Estimation Method and Sorting

Estimation Method:

Until edited by the user, all milestones will default to the most specific estimation method we can detect.

We default to Issue Count. To override the default to Story Points, select the estimated method desired in the dropdown.

Sort By:

All settings except for “Custom Order” will automatically reorder the rows based on properties of the row, such as the Forecasted End Date.

“Custom Order” will display handles to the left of each row and allow the user to reorder items anyway they choose. Custom order is set at the team level, not the individual user level.

Note: All settings and sorting applied will carry over when viewing the Deliverables report in “Timeline” mode.


The “Columns” option in the Deliverables report will allow you display or hide default columns in the Deliverables report, add fields based on availability in your Jira or ADO instance, and reorder them by dragging and dropping the rows.