How Often Should My Teams Use Allstacks?

2x Week: Utilize the Thresholds Your Team Set with Goals

  • Identify individual items in your teams' workflows that have stalled.

  • Set social contracts with your teams, allowing them to self-organize while also providing visibility that fosters trust within the engineering organization.



2x Week: Track Delivery via the Deliverables & Milestone Reports

  • Utilize the Deliverables Report for visibility and alignment on multiple key deliverables in one view.

  • Objectively look at timely delivery based on historic team performance.

  • Deep-dive into specific deliverables by clicking into any work item on the Deliverables Report page to arrive at the Milestone Report for that work item.



Sprintly or Monthly: Review Metrics to Understand Team Performance and Set New Goals

  • Use data to inform your retrospective goals and track improvements to your teams' efficiency and quality over time.

  • As trends are identified, update or set new goals via the team’s Goals section.