Tools Connect: Jenkins

Allstacks pulls data about triggered build runs, and what, if any, processes triggered them so you can identify potential bottlenecks.

Allstacks service connection to Jenkins is established via API Token.


  • If your Jenkins service you wish to connect to is available outside of your organization's VPN or internal network, you should be able to connect normally without allow-listing a static IP and port.  Otherwise, we connect by using an allow-list IP address that has access to the correct tools. This generally requires someone from your IT department to establish the connection. 
    If you are connecting to a dedicated, single tenant we setup for you contact us for your dedicated static IP and port. For our customers connecting to a shared instance, we use a static IP address that we own to perform all downloads: 

    • Static IP Address:

    • Port: 443

  • The endpoint used for your Jenkins service must be configured with a valid TLS certificate signed by a publicly trusted Certificate Authority.



  • On successful connection, you will see a list of resources you can toggle on and off the projects. In the event this list is blank you may need to press “Refresh Resources”.