
Note: You will need administrator access in both Allstacks and OneLogin to proceed.

  1. Log into your OneLogin Account and navigate to the Administration View

  2. Navigate to the Applications page

  1. Click “Add App”

  1. Enter SAML Test into the field and and click “SAML Test Connector (IdP w/ attr w/ sign response)”

  1. Add Allstacks name and logos, enter a description, if desired, and click “Save”

  1. On, navigate to your organization’s “Settings” page. (Your organization name will appear instead of “Allstacks” in the navigation bar.

  1. Open the SAML/SSO Settings

  1. Copy your Allstacks SSO URL and logout URL for use in OneLogin. We recommend leaving this page open in a second tab as you will return to it later in this process.

  1. Back on the OneLogin Application page click “Configuration”, enter the URLs as shown, then click “Save”

10. Click “SSO” from the left navigation panel and copy the three URLs for use in Allstacks.

11. Click “View Details” under X.509 Certificate and copy the certificate for use in Allstacks.

12. Back in Allstacks, return to the SSO Settings page and paste in the copied URLs and certificate as shown below:

The IP Metadata, IP SSO, and IP Logout URLs are in the same order in both OneLogin and Allstacks.

13. Unless using custom fields for these values in OneLogin, enter the following values into the User Param fields at the bottom of the Allstacks settings form and click Save. (IP Cert Fingerprint can be left blank. You may use either the full cert or the fingerprint, but not both)

14. Test the connection by Logging into Allstacks using the Allstacks application on your OneLogin dashboard. Subsequent login attempts can be made from OneLogin or the “Sign in with SSO” button on the Allstacks application login page.

15. Enable SSO/SAML for your entire organization by setting the button to “ON” on the Allstacks Organization Settings page.